Carlos Cortez

English 1101



Video games have been around for a while, but some people may argue that video games make people violent or contribute to it. In the article “The frustrating, enduring debate over video games, violence, and guns” by Aja Romano he claims that there is no link to video games and violence and that even before video games became violent, people were blaming other thing such as arcades but not for its game content but as they claimed “not because of the games they contained, but because they were licentious hangouts for teens” parents were concern about the influences that were around them, which were completely unrelated to the games content. This debate started in 1992 when the now popular game Mortal Kombat made its debut and became famous for its gory fatally moves which sparked an outrage so big by parents, that there was a congressional hearing which created the Entertainment Software Rating Board aka ESRB, a rating system for all video games doesn’t matter if its violent or not all video games have to be rated.