Rahmani’s intellectual home is about his experience in city tech and about his first month in college. He would talk about how he wasn’t happy in his first month. He was in a depressive state, he didn’t make any friends or joined any clubs which made him lonely. During his spring semester, he walked into his English class, discussing a short story with his classmates. He didn’t like what one of his classmates said about the story being misogynistic and he thought he had a better interpretation about the short story. He began to realize what this class was about and brought out something inside of him. He saw what this city tech was truly about and what makes student want to come here and eager to learn something. When he first entered the school he had no motivation to pursue anything in his school. Now, he’s motivated and he’s filled with ideas and flashing wisdom. He was starting to feel good about himself , started participating more. He was engaged in one his classes in way that he wasn’t before. He started joining clubs and other things. He started making new friends. His experience in city created the person he is now.
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