My perspective of “Rahmani’s Intellectual Home” is that he thought he was very smart and a hard worker just because he tried his best, did all his assignments and even got a good score in the SAT’s. He would care about his classes, but when he failed in his class then he stopped caring and would make excuses for himself because he had an ego. You could say that middle school or high school was not his intellectual home mostly because he did not go to the school that he wanted. Even when he got to college he had the same idea as the other schools, go in, do your class and go home and do homework. He didn’t even go in with an open mind and at first the college to him was boring. Until a topic changed the way he thought of college in general and started to get more interested in his classes and in clubs he became more enthusiastic about sharing his ideas and receiving ideas. To me it seemed that he just needed to go in with an open mind and actually try new things and find something that he would be interested in and it happened just by a simple reading topic.