Rahmani did not like school , especially middle school since he got rejected from his first pick and thrown into “The High School for Health Professions and Human Services”. He considered himself very smart , proving it by recieving excellent scores on his SAT’s, and completing all his assignments, which made his ego increase, but even after working so hard he would fail at the end. So he would start to skip class and not care about school but at the end passed. Seeing how much Rahmani did not like school , saying that his intellectual home would in fact be City Tech will be a mistake, in the end it does become his intellectual home. When he began his spring 2011 English class, him and his classmates started to read and discuss the short story “The Cat in the Rain” by Ernest Hemingway. When his teacher asked the class to give their own interpretation of the story he raised his hands since he already had and answer and his ego was at the max, but when he was incorrect he was shocked ,in disbelief. He grew more comfortable in his English class his curtain of ego dissapeared , he was drawn into more discussions. Now he become more engaged in his classes, he grew into a new person and took school seriously.