I’m a student of modern web designs for both desktop and mobile. I’ve been doing this for 4 years and I’ve been playing with coding languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and AS3 for almost 10 years. I’m blogging because I want to inspire other and share valuable information to new upcoming graphic/web designers, developers, freelancers & entrepreneurs. I’m also blogging about something I’m passionate about. My main focus would be on all aspects of web design. From research, planning, designing, coding, testing and launching.
Some blogs that inspired me to start blogging are smashingmagazine.com, alistapart.com & net.tuts.com, these blogs were all helpful in their own ways. By blog would be on a more personal level of my creative routines and I may have a some interviews with some rockstar designers as well. I hope that my blog my lead to all the benefits that comes with social exposure, so stay tuned.