Annotated Biography

Paola Ramirez
ENG 1121
April 12, 2021

Racial Discrimination
Why is there privilege based on someone’s skin color?

Racial Discrimination has been happening here, even though it should be left in the past there
are still signs that people are doing it. We need to stop this discrimination because it isn’t right
these people of different colors earned their right to be here. It isn’t fair that they are the ones
being discriminated against here. There are even people who refuse to have any business with them or
even socialize with them. Racism can take many forms and it isn’t just discrimination but also
prejudice and just plain hatred. They aren’t being picked on not just their color but also their
ethnicity. People take action with harassment or abuse, there will be people who deny or just lie
that they don’t have a problem with people like that but there are times when people can get the
wrong idea and blame the person of a different color. Yet I wonder why are there people who base
the color of their skin. I believe that with racial discrimination there are things that we can do to
support them or even to just see them as equal they are people just like you and me. We aren’t
any different from the people that have different races, we aren’t perfect. There are times when
we aren’t ready to view the world, we aren’t so different. We are a community that can help
others see that they have their rights just like how we do.

AustralianHRC, director. Racial Discrimination? Know Your Rights. YouTube, YouTube, 4 Nov.

This Youtube video talked about how these different people went through racial
discrimination. Some people didn’t feel like it was right for them to do what they have done, but
to those people that blurred our racial things came what was coming to them. They even talked
about if people have any complaints or problems they could take it upon the Human Rights
Commission. One person gave a complaint about a website then she began to realize that she
wasn’t the only person to complain about the website so the Human rights Commission did what
they had to do and take it down. There was another one where a 30 yr old lady was trying to get
on the bus but the driver told her to not get on because she stated that she had trouble dealing
with her kind. She later realized that it was about her race. She took it upon herself to call the
Human Rights Commission and made a complaint. So, in the end, they called the bus company
and the driver called her and apologized for what she had said. Now the company and going to
run some training to make sure about the law so that it won’t happen again. The Human Rights
Commission act will always be there. I agree with this video because it’s not okay to
discriminate we all want to feel secure that we are in a good neighborhood where people don’t
judge us for being who we are. The Human Rights Commission will be there to help if there are
any problems that we might have it just shows that speaking up is better than being silent. We
can’t stop what people may think of others but we can help them prevent from saying these
things again. The one from the video wants people to see that racial discrimination comes with
consequences, they aren’t going to get away with what they say. Later on, people see that the
things they say hurt and it’s just a stereotype.

Jones, Luvvie Ajayi, et al. “Why We Need to Call out Casual Racism.”, 8 Feb.

This website article is talking about how there are different ways, people can call out being
racist. There are times where it’s noticeable, but there are times when people can hide what they
are trying to do like they will go on the defensive saying that wasn’t what they were trying to
say. People think that if they stop talking about racism and think that it will go away just like
that, but keeping it to yourself will soon just make things worse, it will never solve any problem
if you just avoid it. People of different colors have privilege but their privileges aren’t pushed
forward as if they are still in the starting line. There are times when people don’t acknowledge or
recognize what people of color can do or for what they do to the community. Knowing their
privilege should be an honor that they have such a thing. They have a voice that can be heard
from. When it comes to white privilege people will assume that neutrally the person is white,
which can leave people uncomfortable. I agree with this article because people shouldn’t just
blindly go on about people of color since they are just people. We are trying to make a living in
the community. Their privilege is barely recognized unlike white people when it goes noticed so
easily. We need to acknowledge people of a different race because it could be that they feel like
different from what white people go through since they didn’t have somewhat a cast like what
they have. People of color need to acknowledge their privilege. They shouldn’t be afraid to go
out there and to just be themselves.

Livermore, David. “Are All White People Privileged?” 13 June 2019,
webapps/turn-plgnhndl-bb_bb60/links/submit.jsp? course_id=_1977923_1&content_id=_55026189_1&tii_assign_id=102898901&orig_id=_55026189_1.

This blog talked about how white people have their privilege by the color of their skin and how they inherit it because of it. Having privilege wasn’t an easy topic since people on all sides
start to have these problems and start to get emotional and defensive because of it. People of
color become weary by having to prove a point. They needed to find a point where people
won’t feel discomfort and try to not go on the defensive side. People didn’t choose to be the way
they are but they need to learn to live with it. Their privilege is something that binds them to
certain aspects, but having that privilege making them feel meaningful with a dialogue with
others about their realities and try to strive to make it equal for everybody.
I agree with this blog because they were saying how sometimes privilege can be a burden to
some people, including whites, but those who can change the way people can see things. We
have our privilege we strive for what we can do. Our privilege is something that can’t break them
down they have the same rights as anybody else does. We have our advantages, but there are
times when we just don’t understand, but who’s to say that you are the only one, there are people
who can help you its the same as what they said in the blog there are different types of privileges
that people think or consider.“That you aren’t privileged if you are white, It’s being white a
privilege.” This made me see things differently like it not that you have it but is more than you are

In conclusion, I learned that there were different privileges that people can see that they have
privilege because of their color. People will choose to speak than to stay silent, we have the
voices we choose for what we can do, we can show to people that there is more to what we need
it isn’t just a way people can view and discriminate or just think of stereotypes because not all
true. We can help others see that we are all the same, we aren’t so different from what others may
think all we ask is for respect and to listen. All we want is to just be heard and be ourselves so
that nothing can change for people and children of the future.