Multimodal Project and Aurthot Statement

Paola Ramirez
Professor Cipriani
ENG 1121
30, April 2021

Racial Discrimination Statement

            Racial Discrimination was one of the social issues that we are facing even today. There are still some people who give people of color a difficult time whether it’s denying them a job to them just walking outside. People can be cruel to others and it isn’t fair for those on the other side, especially when they haven’t even done anything wrong. Yet people don’t seem to understand, they are the same as us. They are just trying to live a normal life with their families and not cause any trouble. I made my multimodal project based on this because people all over can still have a disagreement with people of a different color and I wanted to make something simple to show people that we should stop racism, that it is a thing in the past and we should look towards the future, in a community where people of color no longer have to be afraid of what others may think of them.

           The mode that I have used in my multimodal project was written meaning. By using this mode I used the words and visuals to show what I’m trying to say to the people. By using the words, I let people know on what they were doing they should stop. There’s no point to it all, and it will bring is nothing but trouble. With the visuals I used, I ended up using people who are white fighting for those of color because it is better than people of a different race coming together to fight as one. When people come together to fight others will follow and sooner or later things will end up changing for the better. By using this it benefits getting my message across that we will stand and fight for those who are opposed, it isn’t fair to them as it isn’t fair to us, we used this as our advantage to bring others to an understanding that a community is better than falling apart. If we fall apart then what is it that we stand for.

            The genre I picked was a poster, I chose the poster because not only it was simple, but it could also get a message across as. By making a poster it can bring it to a summary of what people will need to know or where to get to and the visuals can also encourage others to do the same. I worked with the poster because something that can be big or small, can capture so many people’s attention. Like when I walk around a city or down an ally, I see all posters all over the city. There are times when people just have to stop and read or just look. It can capture so many people’s attention so I used that as an example, writing something small and adding pictures so people will give it a chance to stop and read. Since having pictures is also a big part of a poster, it can catch some of the people’s attention, and they might be drawn to it.

            My multimodal project was based on a social justice that is still going on to this day, we may not know it and there are times when we just can’t believe it, but this is something that we should do to help these people who are at a disadvantage to other people. By making my poster I wanted people to see that we aren’t so different, but there are still times when people of a different race of yours are just being used to believing that they will get something in return but they won’t. We stand for these people they are not just meant to be put aside and let others decide on their destiny. They are people like us who have friends, family and aren’t ready to let go of this world because they are being hurt or being cast aside. They seek help for those who care which is why I showed people of the opposite race fighting for their rights. They aren’t blinded by what other people may see what they see. What they see are just people, not the color of their skin.