Please view the posters presented at the 18th Annual CityTech Faculty and Student Research Poster Session below. You can click on each poster to enlarge it and view the PDF version under the poster abstract.

We thank all presenters for sharing their innovative and informative research with the CityTech community and beyond!

36. The Multi-dimensional Realm Of Feynman Integrals

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The understanding of our Universe at the smallest scales, and the interaction among fundamental particles that populate them, relies on the understanding of their symmetries. The mathematical language that we use to describe such interactions should indeed reļ¬‚ect the same structures. Within this framework, the study of Feynman integrals allows us to go beyond its traditional role of the standard computational technique in perturbation theory and becomes an extraordinary tool to explore the symmetries of our particle physics models. In our poster, we discuss various parametrizations of Feynman Integrals and their speciļ¬c features. By choosing diļ¬€erent parametrizations, we do not simply choose diļ¬€erent variables to represent the same multi-dimensional integrals, but we explore diļ¬€erent facets of the underlying mathematical structures of scattering amplitudes. View or download a PDF version of this poster.