Portfolios on the OpenLab

97 to 108 (of 8,398)

Andre Sadhu’s ePortfolio


Nicole Fuzaylov

My culmination project

Stephany Pena’s ePortfolio

An academic portfolio that shows the progress of my learning.

Milan Rodriguez’s ePortfolio

I’m Milan and my major is Graphic design. My cousin recommended this major to me since he knows that i like to draw. Even though i haven’t drawn as much as I used too, getting back in the habit by taking these […]

(COMD1110) Anthony’s e-portfolio

Portfolio for COMD

Timothy Coggins’s ePortfolio

ePortfolio for ENT 4410

Gesner Jones

Gesner Jones

This is my communication design portfolio where I showcase my work for all to view.

Kayleigh’s Portfolio

My portfolio

King’s Portfolio

Portfolio for COMD Student King Oliver-Holley.

jiaxi ma’s ePortfolio

Communication Design

Adham Khalil

Adham Khalil portfolio for class .

Arisa Moonsammy – Fall Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio! Here, I will display projects and pieces I have worked on throughout this Fall semester 2024.