Portfolios on the OpenLab

8,053 to 8,064 (of 8,301)

Cristina Ramnarine’s ePortfolio

Cristina Ramnarine’s Professional Goals, Professional Essay, and Resume

Argeny Garcia’s ePortfolio

my school work

Vanessa Lugo’s ePorfolio

Turning in a project.

Daequan Langhorn’s ePortfolio


Sandra Rodriguez’s ePortfolio

This project talks about the evolution of our Universe and new theories that might change the idea of how we came to be. I will also discuss the possibility of there being a Multi-verse and that we may not be […]

vanessa lugo’s ePortfolio

This porfolio is to precent my astronomy project.

Jesse Figueroa’s ePortfolio

Astronomy II

Yaresi Checo’s ePortfolio


Yanique Gray’s Portfolio

Professional Nursing Portfolio

Benjamin Mendoza’s ePortfolio

School Work I have done on display

Danny Chen’s ePortfolio

Life Cycle of Stars

Jason Summerfield’s ePortfolio

This brief Astronomy paper discusses a prominent platform for returning to the Moon, specifically, lunar exploration with respect to mining Helium 3 from the lunar regolith for use in terrestrial fusion reactors. […]