Nursing portfolio
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This portfolio will express the beginning progress towards my career path.
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Understand Human Service regarding the values, knowledge and skills to conduct effective professional practice and career path development.
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This is my portfolio. It includes the work i have done so far, and the information about me. It tells about me, and my accomplishments at New York City College of Technology. It also includes the professional […]
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Introductory page Name Title Nursing Philosophy Resume Cover Letter Thank you note Individual strength- written as a narrative sample of a written assignment BCLS letters of references Certificates of […]
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Logics/Problem Solving 1111-9302
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Alexander Williams’s ePortfolio
My name is Alexander G. Williams but call me AGW. I am currently a graphic designer in training, however I do a bunch of other cool stuff too. For example, I edit video and audio, do camera work, write scripts, […]
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Career Paths
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