Portfolios on the OpenLab

7,225 to 7,236 (of 8,387)

Fausto Barros’s ePortfolio

This portfolio contains documents created in English 3771 class

Alberto Neri’s ePortfolio

*Storyboard Concepts

Jose Carchi’s ePortfolio

Storyboard Concept

Gabriel Morales’s ePortfolio

For now this is just for my storyboard class

George Ho’s ePortfolio

George Ho’s ePortfolio

Raymond Liang’s ePortfolio

Here is my ePortifolio

Mike Leonā€™s ePortfolio

My Designs

Howard Isaacs’s ePortfolio

Work compilation

Timothy Stewart’s ePortfolio


Judith Smith’s ePortfolio

Coming Soon

Hadiza Djibring

ā€œI’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of itā€ Thomas Jefferson.

Nathalie Severino’s ePortfolio

Nathalie Severino’s ePortfolio