Portfolios on the OpenLab

61 to 72 (of 8,372)

Melisa Wu Lin’s ePortfolio

Digital Media Foundation Student’s Portfolio.

Afifa’s ENG ePorfolio

ENG 1121


Shandale Ricketts’ ePortfolio for NYCCT COMD Department

krystian aleksiejuk’s EDU 3640 ePortfolio

krystian aleksiejuk’s EDU 3640 ePortfolio

EDU 3640 ePortfolio

Sarahi Ruiz

Hello! Welcome to my E-Portfolio, from my time being in NYCCT.

Heaven Chase’s E-Portfolio

Welcome to Heaven’s Textile Portfolio! Step into a world where threads weave stories, and fabrics speak volumes. With a passion for textile artistry and a keen eye for design, I invite you to explore my […]

Paola Lena

Paola Lena

Paola Lena is a graduating senior in the Business and Technology of Fashion program at the New York City College of Technology, City University of New York (CUNY). Through her years at City Tech, she had excelled […]

Dominique Whelan’s E-Portfolio

E-Portfolio for Advanced Textile Technologies in City Tech

Aliyah Latif

Aliyah Latif

Advanced Textile Techniques


In this portfolio, I will show all the work done in my Advanced Textile class.


In this portfolio, I will show all the work done in my Advanced Textile class.

Deriann Harris’s ePortfolio

Art stuff