Portfolios on the OpenLab

6,517 to 6,528 (of 8,388)

Luis Lopez’s ePortfolio

I am a student in the Advertising Design major and this will be a compilation of my work that I have done so far.

Maya Smith-Gilbertā€™s ePortfolio


Xiao Yan Li’s ePortfolio

Xiao Yan Li’s ePortfolio

Lina Li’s ePortfolio

Claudel Choiseneā€™s ePortfolio

Claudel Choiseneā€™s ePortfolio

Coming soon..

Omar Rivera’s ePortfolio

My portfolio is going to be about art and some of the projects I come up with in my tenure as a college student.

Miguel Santosā€™s ePortfolio

Graphic Communications Workshop

Cyril Odame-Adjei’s ePortfolio

My name is Cyril Odame-Adjei and as far as I could remember I have always wanted to help people and make a small difference in this world. This has led me to many majors such as law and history but I have […]

Michael Feliciano’s ePortfolio

This Eportfolio documents my academic progress throughout my lectures here at citytech.

Jeenizen Rochaā€™s ePortfolio

Jeenizen Rochaā€™s ePortfolio

This is some pieces of work that I have been doing this semester.

Traceyann Donaldsonā€™s ePortfolio

Traceyann Donaldsonā€™s ePortfolio

Professional Nursing Class

Jennifer Hippā€™s AAS, RN

Jennifer Hippā€™s AAS, RN

Welcome to my Portfolio. Enjoy

Alexander Estrella’s ePortfolio
