Portfolios on the OpenLab

5,725 to 5,736 (of 8,290)
Janicia Gaskin’s ePortfolio

Janicia Gaskin’s ePortfolio

I am currently a freshman at City Tech majoring in Accounting.

winfield frederick’s ePortfolio

greetings world!

Stephanie Diaz’s ePortfolio

Coming soon

Albert Diaz’s ePortfolio

All of english assignments.

natalie clyne’s ePortfolio


yuquan tan’s ePortfolio

yuquan tan’s ePortfolio

Assignments documents

Kevin Pluviose’s ePortfolio

Kevin Pluviose

uriah johnson’s ePortfolio

uriah johnson’s ePortfolio

What Is Writing? An Introduction to College Writing in the 21st Century

Magdalena Sekscinski’s ePortfolio

Magdalena Sekscinski’s ePortfolio

Niko Lowery’s ePortfolio


Harry Attilio’s ePortfolio

Harry Attilio’s ePortfolio


Shanda’s ePortfolio

Shanda’s ePortfolio

This portfolio establishes my place in society through my achievements and goals and overall way of life.