Portfolios on the OpenLab

3,553 to 3,564 (of 8,394)

Winnie Lee’s ePortfolio

Hello World, This is a website portfolio intended to share my experiences during my internship.

Victor Chan’s ePortfolio

Culmination Project: Sound Systems Design

Nevean Ghatas’s ePortfolio

Nevean’s work

Ibrahim Sarder’s ePortfolio

Ibrahim Sarder’s ePortfolio

This is the ePortfolio of Health Psychology

Kristina Proskoff’s ePortfolio

Kristina Proskoff’s ePortfolio

Registered Nurse

Celeste Palmer’s ePortfolio

Celeste Palmer’s ePortfolio


Moshe Merette’s ePortfolio

Hello and welcome, I’m Moshe. I’m taking this class because it is a requirement. I enjoy all different types of art, learning about human history and the mind, and music. This course would allow me to learn the […]

Debora Torres’s ePortfolio

COMD 1100

Minhajul’s ePortfolio

Hey, welcome to my page. My name is Minhajul, you could call me Min if you like, to be honest my name is pretty hard to pronounce so Min is fine. I am taking this class because it’s a requirement, I don’t really […]

Juan Garcia’s ePortfolio

I am in this course to learn something new. Graphic design looked interesting and wanted to try something outside of what I was used to. I like to learn new things and I am a hands on learner. I get inspired in […]

Brianna Maniscalco’s ePortfolio

Brianna Maniscalco’s ePortfolio


Samdaye Neale’s ePortfolio

Physical Assessment