Portfolios on the OpenLab

3,325 to 3,336 (of 8,369)

Nneka Jagdeo’s ePortfolio

This is my portfolio

Dasia Lee’s ePortfolio

Dasia Lee’s ePortfolio

Javone Thompson’s ePortfolio

E-Portfolio For Media And Game Design

Matthew Weiss’s ePortfolio

Matthew Weiss’s ePortfolio

Entertainment Tech portfolio

Amanda Debes’s ePortfolio

Hi! Here are my great experiences as a Dental Hygiene Student! I am looking forward to the future as an RDH!

Joshua Veliz’s ePortfolio

My main goal is to become an entrepreneur and open a business that focuses in the automotive industry.

Savanna Acevedo’s ePortfolio

Savanna Acevedo’s ePortfolio

Ruposri Bhowmic’s ePortfolio

Ruposri Bhowmic’s ePortfolio

electronic and computer engineering

Thomas DiBlasio’s ePortfolio

Teacher Education

Valery Mejia’s ePortfolio

Valery Mejia’s ePortfolio

COMD 4900 – HE98 Internship Spring 2018

Jonathan Tzitzimititla’s ePortfolio

Jonathan Tzitzimititla’s ePortfolio


Leah Singh’s ePortfolio

This portfolio is for me to post my work.