Portfolios on the OpenLab

313 to 324 (of 8,369)

Kevin Huang’s ePortfolio

This is a list of all the projects I have been involved in:

Sharofat Shuhratzoda’s ePortfolio

Sharofat Shuhratzoda’s ePortfolio

In the making…

Ivan Rosas’s ePortfolio

Unit work

Adrika Hoque’s ePortfolio

Adrika’s Portfolio

Alexandra Melendez’s ePortfolio

Alexandra Melendez’s ePortfolio

Communication Design First year

Odvens Saint louis’s ePortfolio

welcome to my portfolio where you’ll find my work from City Tech

Jamal Taylor’s ePortfolio

My name is Jamal Taylor Jr. I am a communication design student at NYC College of Technology.

Lauren Herrera’s ePortfolio


Kevin Perea’s ePortfolio


Kevin Reyes’s ePortfolio

My name is Kevin Reyes, I am currently a student at New York City College of Technology. My goal is to study within the Communication Design major and improve my understanding within designing different concepts […]

Joel Barbecho’s ePortfolio

Spring 2023 culmination project

Issa Kienou’s ePortfolio

Welcome to my English portfolio. Here I show my growth throughout the semester in my writing skills. I learned different writing techniques and strategies to communicate my ideas effectively. English is like a […]