Portfolios on the OpenLab

3,217 to 3,228 (of 8,369)

Stacey-Ann Williams’s ePortfolio


Shardaa Khadar’s ePortfolio

My online professional portfolio

S. Jobity’s ePortfolio

S. Jobity’s ePortfolio

Welcome! Highlights through my movement through City Tech!

Keisha Fraser’s ePortfolio

This portfolio is a reflection of my two year journey through New York City College of Technology’s Dental Hygiene Program. I am in my last semester of Dental Hygiene and am preparing to transition into the field […]

Frieda Kassab’s ePortfolio

Frieda Kassab’s ePortfolio

A culmination project of my two years at New York City College of Technology Dental Hygiene Program

Darius Murray’s ePortfolio

Darius’ Portfolio For Technology and Design with a focus on Web Design, Logo Design and App development

Daniella Ramsaran’s ePortfolio

Daniella Ramsaran’s ePortfolio

Welcome to my ePortfolio! Here you will find highlights from the work I’ve done at City Tech.

Richard smith’s ePortfolio

Computers in Education

Malka Abramova’s ePortfolio

Malka Abramova’s ePortfolio

Graphic Design Principles I

David Tejada’s ePortfolio

Temporarily this is my eportfolio. It’s in it’s beta right now. I’ll make it nice and spiffy some day, so please look forward to it.

Xinchen Shen’s ePortfolio

Xinchen Shen’s ePortfolio

Hello, Everyone! My name is Xinchen. I am currently the dental hygiene student. I will graduate in May. On this ePortfolio, I will share my dental hygiene story and dental health information!

margarita moctezuma’s ePortfolio

Hello everyone and welcome this will be my culmination portfolio.