Portfolios on the OpenLab

3,205 to 3,216 (of 8,369)
Melissa Manuel’s ePortfolio

Melissa Manuel’s ePortfolio

Hello, My name is Melissa Manuel and this is my e portfolio to showcase my experiences, academic achievements and personal reflections.

Katerina Tsiouris’s ePortfolio

Katerina Tsiouris’s ePortfolio

The purpose of this E-Portfolio is to summarize my character, integrity, and ability, as well as display all that I have learned throughout my time in New York City College of Technology Dental Hygiene Program. My […]

Elizabeth Dutan’s ePortfolio

In this e-portfolio you will take a trip through my journey in the NYCCT dental hygiene program. Hope you enjoy and don’t forget to always smile.

Ashley sugrim’s ePortfolio

steps leading to my future

daniel shepherd’s ePortfolio

Daniel Shepherd Spring ’18 Culmination Sound Supervisor: SGA FASHION SHOW

Wendy Rodriguez’s ePortfolio

This portfolio contains my academic journey that has transpired through the years and has made made me the strong person I am today. My unique experiences has set a solid foundation for me to continue my […]

amy k’s Portfolio

amy k’s Portfolio

Professional Nursing

Catherine Tucci’s ePortfolio

Welcome to my ePortfolio page. I am currently a last semester dental hygiene student at The New York City College of Technology in Brooklyn, New York. I have an expected graduation date of June 2018. I am fairly […]

seonyeong ahn’s ePortfolio

Dental Hygiene E-Portfolio

Rujay Davis’s ePortfolio


Yanyi Li’s ePortfolio

Yanyi Li’s ePortfolio

I got my Associate Nursing degree from Borough of Manhattan Community College became a registered nurse in 2016. I am currently pursuing a Baccalaureate nursing degree at New York City College of Technology.

Sharanjit Purewal’s ePortfolio

Sharanjit Purewal’s ePortfolio

EDU 3640 Portfolio