Portfolios on the OpenLab

3,109 to 3,120 (of 8,373)

Jhenell Nina’s Portfolio

My name is Jhenell Nina & I was drawn to design for its ability to allow me to bring my idea to life. I define my art as controlled madness, because I try to make things as creative as possible while remaining […]

Muhammad Floyd’s ePortfolio

This is a site where I post my visual pieces that showcase my skills in graphic design, photography, and cinematography. Let all your senses be intrigued…well 4, since I can’t do nothing for taste

Zechariah Philippe’s ePortfolio

Zechariah Philippe’s ePortfolio

Documenting the process of Culmination Project. Platform – Short film in the making shining a spotlight on subway performers

JEAN arias’s ePortfolio

JEAN arias’s ePortfolio

best pieces

Diego Naranjo’s ePortfolio

Diego Naranjo’s ePortfolio

CityTech School Portfolio

Stacey Pietri’s ePortfolio

A artist who is experienced in traditional drawing and digital.

keith wade’s ePortfolio

This is my ePortfolio. Let’s get this show on the road

yasmin kassim’s ePortfolio

My name is Yasmin Amin Kassim. I am a student at city tech New York City College of Technology. My major is technology education. I am senior, I will graduate on fall 2018. I finished my associate degree in […]

Nicole Pisano’s ePortfolio

Nicole Pisano’s ePortfolio

Hey! Welcome to my portfolio! Here you will find some highlights of the work I’ve done at City Tech!

ariagna antigua’s ePortfolio

ariagna antigua’s ePortfolio

Registered Nurse

jessica sanabria’s ePortfolio

jessica sanabria’s ePortfolio


Connie Lu Hou’s ePortfolio

Connie Lu Hou’s ePortfolio

Hi my name is Connie Lu Hou. I am a nursing student from City tech.