Portfolios on the OpenLab

3,049 to 3,060 (of 8,373)

Carolina Rianchos’s ePortfolio

Carolina Rianchos

Sara Syal’s ePortfolio

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”- Hippocrates

anna cohn’s ePortfolio

anna cohn’s ePortfolio


Donna Chow’s ePortfolio

Hello there! I’m Donna and I’m am friendly.

Abeer Alshawri’s ePortfolio

Abeer Alshawri’s ePortfolio

Hello All! I have created this portfolio to give some information about myself, my future goals, and experiences as a dental hygiene student.

meidan zhang’s ePortfolio

meidan zhang’s ePortfolio

Registered Nurse

Daniel Fanning’s ePortfolio

Mechanical Engineering Technology

Jorge Novo’s ePortfolio

Jorge Novo’s ePortfolio


Luci DeVoy’s aperçu

A brief glance of highlights of my time at New York City College of Technology

Iyat Abdelfattah’s ePortfolio

Iyat Abdelfattah’s ePortfolio

Kalei Graham-Crowther’s ePortfolio

Kalei Graham-Crowther’s ePortfolio

Kalei’s Academic Portfolio

saleha linta’s ePortfolio

Saleha Linta