Midterm corrections

You may re-submit one of the four components of the midterm by Tuesday. Remember that you are to work on your own, without assistance from other humans or the internet.

Also remember, in order for your old grade for that component to be replaced by the grade for your re-submission, your re-submission must be perfect. Remember that we use the rubric here (and adapt it to individual tasks) to assign scores. “Perfect” means scores of 4 for each task, except GeoGebra #8, which is out of 2 only. In general, the difference between a 3 (proficient) and 4 (exemplary) has to do not necessarily with the correctness of the work itself, but its presentation. Make sure your work is clear, logical, and precise; be sure to proof-read it for clarity as well as for spelling and grammar.

Project #3

In class on Thursday, we discussed your next project on Maple. Presently, there are few rules for this assignment–you have a lot of freedom–but we will add details and rules if need be. The project is due the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. It must satisfy two conditions:

  1. It must demonstrate knowledge and/or skills in the software itself. (For example, it must use both the computation and typesetting features, not just one or the other.)
  2. It must use Maple in a “pedagogical” way. (This condition is somewhat vague, but you should ask yourself, “How am I using this as an instructional tool?)

Some ideas for your Maple project:

  • lesson (like Project #1)
  • In-class activity (like Project #2)
  • Homework assignment
  • In-class assessment

If you are not familiar with the software, you should spend some time playing around in it to see what it is capable of. Because the rules for the project are somewhat vague, be sure to discuss your idea with me before the due date.