Professor Kate Poirier | D071 | Fall 2023

Category: Introduce yourself (Page 4 of 7)

Introducing Charlotte

Hey there,

I’m Qing Chen, but you can call me Charlotte. I’m currently pursuing a major in Mathematics Education. The beauty of mathematical concepts and their real-world applications captivates me every day.

After I graduate from CityTech, my short-term goal is to become an engaging and humorous math teacher who can make even the most complex concepts feel like a piece of cake. In the long run, I aspire to contribute to math education innovations and inspire the next generation of math enthusiasts.

Beyond math, I have a spicy side – literally! I eat spicy food with every meal; it’s a culinary adventure I thoroughly enjoy. One thing I excel at is making math relatable and fun for others. However, if there’s one thing I’m not great at, it’s resisting the temptation of new math challenges.

Now, for an interesting fact about me: I have an unusual fascination with patterns in nature, which often ties back to my love for math. And for a less exciting detail, my favorite book is Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, and I can’t resist the charm of dogs, making them my favorite animals.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you better!

Introducing Joanna Quizhpe

Greetings Everyone,

My name is Joanna Quizhpe, majoring in Mechanical Engineering in City tech, this is my junior year, have one more year to go. i don’t got a special name I like to be called I just go by Joanna. I was born and raised in Sunnyside, Queens where my ethnicity is Ecuador. I prefer to be go by she/her. Since I’m Currently majoring in Mechanical Engineering, were I’m obtaining experience through an internship I been doing in CUNY building performance lab were their main focus is on improving efficiency and optimizing building operations through continuing education programs for facility managers, building operators, and energy professionals. I been working on trend charts as well as developing excels sheets for BRT savings calculator. Since I have some view of my major, I would love to work within my field, where I’m able to develop and design after graduation. One of my hobbies I do is draw and write as well play soccer. I was once in a soccer team playing Defense, was one of my favorite sports as well as volleyball but soccer has to be my top one. Well that’s a little bit about myself, I would love to get to know everyone.

Introducing Wellington Verduga

Hello! I am Wellington Verduga, my major is CET. I was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador and move to New York at 18 years old around 10 years ago. I took a 2 year break as I enlisted with the Army being stationed at FT Hood (TX) for . I am now a reservist. I like technology specially computers and laptops. I am still unsure of where I am going after graduation but I hope to soon know. I have been also working with Dr Mendoza from the CET department in a Inter-College Research group on which I have developed a mobile app, worked on knowledge discovery and ontologies.

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