Professor Kate Poirier | D071 | Fall 2023

Project #1 Section 4.2 Problem #1 – Phoebe Narcisse & Shawn Suraj

Problem 1 Answer


  1. Jonathan Lee

    Hey Phoebe and Shawn,

    Great work on the project!

    I liked how you wrote out some of your thought processes while going through the problem. I also liked how you made sure to walk through each step of the problem fully. I didn’t feel that you skipped steps as you explained your problem.

    One question I had was simply, how exactly did you get the equation to solve for k?

  2. Brandon Payne


    your project looks well detailed and organized. I like how you organized what was given and how you guys implemented that into your work step by step.

  3. Erick Hidalgo

    Your guys project is written well and organized in the written work and in the video.

    My question is also how did you get the equation to get K? I see you explained how K is determined but where is the equation from?

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