Hello everyone, my name is Erick Hidalgo, and this is my fourth year at city tech. My major is computer engineering and i was interested in this major because I’ve always loved technology since I was young, and I always wanted to know what goes on behind the scenes of making the devices we all use today. After 2680 I plan on taking Linear algebra to finish my math requirements for my major. After I graduate from citytech I hope to get started on my career ASAP. I really have to start thinking on how I’m going to achieve that especially since I’m close to the end of college. I’m good at helping people with certain troubleshoot issues with their devices. Something I’m bad at is timing myself on certain things. An interesting fact about myself is that I’m very outgoing. A boring fact about myself is that even though I said I’m very outgoing I’m usually home most of the time unless any plans come up haha. I don’t have a favorite book. My favorite animal is a dog.