Author Archives: Kate Poirier

Test 2 and Midterm Grades

Test 2 grades and midterm grades are now available in Blackboard’s gradebook. Your midterm grade was calculated using the formula: test 1 and test 2: 40% each; quizzes and WebWork: 10% each. The midterm grade grade is for your information only. … Continue reading

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Test #2 Solutions


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Test #2 – Wednesday, October 29

Next week’s test will cover everything you’ve learned about derivatives so far (including the limit definition, which was also on the last test). The relevant sections of the text are 3.1-3.9. We’ll finish off 3.8 in class on Wednesday and … Continue reading

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Quiz #5 – Wednesday, October 22

This week’s quiz will cover material/problems from sections 3.3, 3.6, and 3.7.

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WebWork – Upcoming deadlines

Due Tuesday, October 21: Derivatives-Trigonometric & Derivatives-ChainRule Due Sunday, October 26: Derivatives-Exponential-Logs & Derivatives-InverseTrig Due Tuesday, October 28: RatesofChange-HigerDeriv

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Test #1 Solutions

Here are my own solutions for test #1. There may be more than one way of completing a certain problem, so it’s possible to receive credit for solutions that are different from mine. MAT1475Test1Solutions

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Quiz #4 – Wednesday, October 15

The next quiz will cover differentiation rules as in sections 3.2 and 3.3 of your text.

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Derivative of sin(x) link & WebWork

Here’s the link to the Desmos graph we used to convince ourselves the derivative of is in class today. Also, your next WebWork set is due next Thursday night, October 15. (Usually WebWork is not due on Thursdays, but next week there’s no … Continue reading

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Derivative as a function – link from today’s class

Here’s the link I promised from today’s class: derivative as a function. The red curve is the graph of the original function . The orange curve is the graph of the derivative of the original function . You can drag … Continue reading

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Test #1 – Monday, October 6

This is to update information from our course procedures document. Our first test will be held in class on Monday, October 6. It will cover everything on the course outline up to and including section 3.2.

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