Shutter Speed

Shutter Speed-the length of time that the camera’s shutter is open during the exposure.


Shutter Speed and Motion

The Decisive Moment: A term coined by Cartier Bresson- “the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as the precise organization of forms which gives that event its proper expression.”

See Cartier Bresson’s most famous example of the Decisive Moment.

Frozen Motion-Motion is stopped and the action is crisp and totally sharp. 

See a famous example of frozen motion shot by Walter Iooss taken of Joe Montana in 1982.   

Factors to consider for capturing motion:

  1. Use AI Servo to focus on a moving subject.

AI Servo-is Canon’s predictive autofocus system. The name is derived from the use of Artificial Intelligence used to predict the speed and distance of the moving subject. It greatly increases your chance of getting a sharp image when your target is moving.

2. To capture a fast moving object, try 1/ 500, 1/1000 or faster.

Motion Blur-With a long exposure, moving subjects make streaks or even disappear altogether. If you pan the camera with the moving subject, then the background is appears blurry. Example:

Factors influencing Motion Blur:

  1. Direction-if the subject moves parallel to the picture plane there is more visible movement than if the subject moves toward or away from the camera.
  2. Distance from the camera. Subjects closer to the camera will appear blurrier given the same speed of motion than subjects father from the camera.
  3. Focal length-a subject will appear blurrier when photographed with a telephoto lens than when photographed with a wide-angle lens.

Painting with Light-using a light during a long exposure to draw an image.

Sprint campaign using painting with light.