Author Archives: Ashley Maple

Creative Forms of Expression

Hello Everyone ,I’m Ashley ofĀ Peak of CreativityĀ , I work with Special Education and the idea of working with unique media to create artĀ has always intrigued me, reading this blog inspired me to do an activty with my scholars.Ā I decided to do an activity using a limited amount of materials .Ā When doing this activity we didnt useĀ adventurousĀ media such asĀ moss etc…

New ImageyuyyuuukWe used tattered magazines and masking tape to createĀ sculptures, to add incentive the creator of the tallest structure would win 20 scholar dollars ! The scholars took such initiative and took time to sketch and really enjoy the process of being creative. All of my scholars enjoyed the change in the modus operandi.

Maybe I had a little too much fun.


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