Lab 3

In this lab we start using functions. This  program displays a menu to the user with the following options: 1- Sum numbers 2- Subtract numbers 3- Multiply numbers 4- Divide numbers 5- Remainder of numbers 6- Compare numbers 7- Exit. After the user makes a selection, the program ask for two  numbers x and y and perform the selected operation and show the result.

def addition (x,y):

add = x+y

return add

def subtract (x,y):

z2 = x-y

return z2

def multiply (x,y):

z3 = (x * y)

return z3

def divide (x,y):

z4 = (x / y)

return z4

def remainder (x,y):

z5 = (x % y)

return z5

print (‘————– SELECTIONS —————‘)

print (‘enter 1 to add the numbers’)

print (‘enter 2 to subtract the numbers’)

print (‘enter 3 to multiply the numbers’)

print (‘enter 4 to divide the numbers’)

print (‘enter 5 to show the numbers remainder’)

print (‘enter 6 to show if x is less than,more than or equal to y’)

print (‘enter 7 to exit’)

print (‘———————————————————‘)

x = float(input(‘please enter number x: ‘))

y = float (input(‘please enter number y: ‘))

while (x!=0) and (y!=0):

z = float(input(‘enter your selection: ‘))

if z == 1:

print(‘the sum of’,x, ‘and’, y, ‘is’, addition(x,y))

elif z == 2:

print(‘the difference of’,x, ‘and’, y, ‘is’, subtract (x,y))

elif z ==3:

print(‘the product of’,x, ‘and’, y, ‘is’,multiply (x,y))

elif z ==4:

print(‘the quotient of’,x, ‘and’, y, ‘is’, divide (x,y))

elif z ==5:

print(‘the remainder of’,x, ‘and’, y, ‘is’, remainder (x,y))

elif z == 6:

if x<y:

print (‘x is less than y’)

elif x>y:

print (‘x is more than y’)


print (‘x is equal to y’)

elif z == 7:

print (‘program finish’)



print (‘please enter a valid selection’)

print (‘———————————————————‘)

x = float (input(‘please input number x: ‘))

y = float (input(‘please input number y: ‘))