About the Writer

My Name is Paulette, I am a Law and Paralegal student at New York City Technical College. This Weblog is a project for my Advanced Career Writing class, but the idea of this blog is to gather relevant information and make them available to friends of family, or family of friends.  I am writing to those with Hypertension/High Blood Pressure (H/HBP) or those who may be predispose to the condition.

The reason being; I’ve been interested in the subject of hypertension and its effects for over 22 years, because this topic because it is so personal to me.  This interest is inspired by my husband, his mother and my father all whom have had strokes, two of which have since died from the effects of (H/HBP).

I wish to bring more awareness to a condition called the “Silent Killer”, called that because there are no symptoms, and by the time most victims are aware there is a problem, they are in the hospital fighting for their lives.


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