A Snippette on HBP/H

What is HBP/H

But, before I run away with myself; let me explain what HBP/H is.Ā  HBP/H is exactly what it sounds like.Ā  It is when there is too much blood/liquid in our veins, and our hearts and other organs have to work extra hard to move all of that fluid through our ā€œtinyā€ veins.Ā  Anyone who has taken biology knows what happens when sodium/salt in introduced into any living cell; it removes water/fluids from inside the cell to the outside.Ā  So, we eat a lot of salt, it dehydrates the cells & sends the water to our blood-stream.

Now-a-days, many people are on their water kick, and thatā€™s a great thing to do for our health; but, many are drinking all that water because of extreme thirst, cause? you guessed it, too much salt in their diet; and whereā€™s that water going to go?, you guessed it again; in their blood-stream.

Many of us want to continue eating and doing the same things we used to do when we were 17 year old. Ā We want to eat Turkey/ham & cheese on a hero or two dozen buffalo wings, (ever seen how much sodium in those?); as if we can still just burn it off by just standing up.Ā  But thereā€™s something we should keep in mind, if we live long enough, we will get old and we must modify our eating habits or our bodies will let us know, (in a not so subtle way), go quietly, resistance is futile.



Did you know that one of the HBP/H meds is a water pill? Wonder why they call it that and guess what itā€™s for.Ā  The only problem is; thereā€™s no going too far from a restroom.


We should also, keep in mind and always look out for this ingredient on our food labels or ask the restaurant servers if they cook with MSG Mono-Sodium-Glutamate.Ā  It is one of the best flavor enhancers ever made; it taste good, but itā€™s killing us.

Loved ones

I have watched three people that I love dearly; suffer the effects of HBP/H, all of whom had strokes, some of them multiple strokes; because once you have had a stroke, your chances of having others are increased exponentially.Ā  Two of them passed away from the onset of other strokes. Ā So, I feel I’m in a unique position to discuss this subject.

Sometimes, it take months, even years for the onset of another stroke and sometimes the victims survive for many years without another; but they must be vigil about maintaining their health.

We see ourselves

Some of us think ā€œI am not a drunk, I donā€™t do drugs, there are so many risky behavior that I donā€™t engage in.Ā  Iā€™m fine.ā€Ā  Yet, many are walking around with Blood Pressure levels of 250/160 or higher; thatā€™s a ticking time-bomb.

A time-bomb waiting to go off, because a stroke doesnā€™t discriminate; It leaves its victims paralyzed and trapped in their own bodies, feeling a sense of self-pity, self-loathing and some of them, suicidal.

So, we need to take control of our bodies, our health or someone else will.

The Numbers:

What they mean

Example: Ā  120/70


The top number, which is also the higher of the two numbers, measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats (when the heart muscle contracts).

The bottom number, which is also the lower of the two numbers, measures the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats (when the heart muscle is resting between beats and refilling with blood).



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