110 over 60

That is the normal Blood Pressure of an adult human being, 110/60; but many of us don’t know that.  We walk around  unaware that our Blood Pressure is out of control and running a-muck; especially our young people.

The young victims

Most young people thinks that High Blood Pressure/Hypertension (HBP/H) is an old people sickness, because they hear their mothers, grandmothers, fathers, grandfathers and others complaining that they have (HBP/H) The fact of the matter is most of them developed the condition in their 20’s, 30’s or 40’s, but many did know because people in their 20’s and 30’s don’t usually get regular check-ups. So, (HBP/H); being the silent killer goes unnoticed until other things starts happening to our bodies.

HBP/H sometimes run a little higher, but should not exceed 130/80.  If it does, it should be immediately put in check; either by diet, medication, exercise and or by stress reduction.

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