Monthly Archives: May 2013

Four part Series

Part 1 of 4—HBP/H medication There are a lot of meds available Some to remove salt from the body.Water pills, help remove excess fluids from your body; which in turn reduce Blood Pressure. But there are many others. Your doctor … Continue reading

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How to get Blood Your Pressure to a safe level

Four Part Series Return next week when I start my 4 part series on how to get and keep you blood pressure at a safe level.  

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A Snippette on HBP/H

What is HBP/H But, before I run away with myself; let me explain what HBP/H is.  HBP/H is exactly what it sounds like.  It is when there is too much blood/liquid in our veins, and our hearts and other organs … Continue reading

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110 over 60

That is the normal Blood Pressure of an adult human being, 110/60; but many of us don’t know that.  We walk around  unaware that our Blood Pressure is out of control and running a-muck; especially our young people. The young … Continue reading

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