The problem was to design a raked stage that would be installed after the Haunted Hotel for a rock show followed by a talent show. The challenge is to provide a method of construction for the stage to be built immediately after the HH is finished with strike. Another challenge was to provide a method to change the stage floor in between the rock show and the talent show overnight.

There were many methods to be used in the stage floor change. The TD team decided at first to use a painted luaun lid with the rock band’s logo that would later be removed and replaced with the shiny black floor needed for the talent show. With some research, the team found that muslin or canvas could be used to cover the stage with the requested art and quickly removed for the talent show to have an undamaged shiny floor.

The main issue at hand is time. The project was due quickly after being assigned for the amount of details and scheduling necessary to conveying the information needed to perform the stage change quickly. Having enough time to build the platforms, install them on stage, as well as changeover between shows were all key factors of the show’s performing on time.

The one dominating problem was determining how to prepare the stage in order for a quick changeover to the 2nd scheduled show. The TD team was uncooperative at first, each member providing different yet viable solutions. Eventually with further research the team was able to agree upon the canvas stage cover to be pulled up in between the shows.

This project proved most difficult in the amount of time provided between assignment and the deadline. Making decisions in time for the deadline was halted by conflicting ideas between team members until a compromise was reached.

The drafting went well, allowing the team to correctly identify how much fabric would be needed for the stage as well as having the stage accurately presented in the theater space allowed the team to provide a method of construction once load-in starts.

One idea the team had at first was to make the platforms with an open frame design using cross braced legs. Later it was decided that the frames would be harder to manage when assembly takes place and the team opted to go with triscuit platforms supported with stud walls.

This problem provided insight to the quick thinking decision making process that technical direction teams have to manage. The stage could have been built and covered many different ways, but providing a method that emphasize saving time is what was necessary to solving the changeover problem.

In the real world, we would have needed to manage schedules of individuals in order to ensure the stage gets built on time and the changeover can happen quickly. Having to negotiate with the “band” as to how their logo can be presented on stage also will come into play when working with talent.

Making sure things get done on time requires planning early on and things may need to be sacrificed to do so. Having the band’s logo painted on a wood stage would look really nice but due to time constraints, opting in for a canvas cover saves time during paint time as well as changeover time.