By taking technical direction I feel that i have gained a higher understanding of all the steps that go into bringing a show to life. The amount of time spent planning and revising before building gets started, the amount of effort that goes into building scenery, and why prototyping new techniques is important are all lessons learned from this class. This is because a poorly planned show is exactly that, having no clear goal in mind or methods to use is a waste of time. This is also relevant in all things in life, without a plan, it’s much harder to hit the ground running as you’ll never be sure what the next step is. Being able to keep an eye out for details and foresee issues ahead of time is crucial to proper execution. An unanticipated problem can be all that is necessary to stop a show in its tracks, whether it be incorrect measurements or an unrecognized spacial issue. Having a contingency plan for injured or sick workers is also crucial for success since if the crew isn’t provided with proper build plans, the replacement crew won’t be able to get work done, or may try to work and create even more issues for the returning crew. This class was difficult due to the constant detail oriented work style of the projects. Each time one problem would be solved, it would be very likely that two more will present themselves. At the start of the semester, problem 1 prepared us for the detailed instructions we would have to provide to the carpenters. Problem 2 had taught us to manage our time as well as the time that would be necessary for the shows to properly run. Problem 3 introduced budgets and complex scenery builds. Problem 4 had combined elements from the previous projects and brought forth preparing budget estimates. All these problems touched on real world scenarios, in particular teaching us to convey ideas and directions without necessarily being on site. Preparing a plan in order for builds to be completed on time and properly. The importance of being able to communicate plans and goals is one of the biggest takeaways from this class. The pressure to create a good project against the pressure to make it right the first time are two totally different things. Having the learning environment of the school was helpful in the forgiveness of a missed detail or a misguided judgement. This was apparent in project 1 where the instructions my team had given to the scenery shop had neglected to mention that the heel of bread not be used, this was a minor error in class but if this were Broadway there may not be a second chance.