Monthly Archives: August 2014

CATW Student Handbook (2012 Edition)

Anxiety by Mariana Zanatta (Flickr: Creative Commons)

Anxiety by Mariana Zanatta (Flickr: Creative Commons)

This is the link to the CATW Student Handbook we looked at in class.
Student Handbook CATW 2012
Here, also, is the link to testing information (Reading, Writing, and Math) posted on the CUNY website:

We’re almost there!


Malcolm Gladwell Interview with Charlie Rose, Part 2

This is the second video we watched.  It is part 2 of a 2008 interview between Malcolm Gladwell and Charlie Rose.  This continues the interview in the previous post. See the first for discussion topics to consider if you are watching this on your own.  In this section, he discusses the value of “meaningful work” and compares the nature of the work of Jewish immigrants in the garment industries to Mexican immigrant workers doing work on the land.  We discussed the meaning of this section in depth in class.  Also, consider what he means by many lives being “experience rich” and “theory poor” and the role he’s taken on in society as a “public person.”



Malcolm Gladwell Interview with Charlie Rose, Part 1

We watched this video in class on July 29, 2014.

Discussion topics centered around: the issue of “luck” versus “10,000 Hours” of hard work; writing techniques (narrative, the importance of clarity); and the necessity of rising above perceived “failure.”


Practice CATW 4: Excerpted from David Brooks’ “Lost in the Crowd”

Outliers (Photo- Flickr Creative Commons)This is the essay we used for CATW 4, an excerpt of David Brooks’ discussion of our class text Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.

CATW 4: David Brooks’ “Lost in the Crowd”

CATW Essay #3: Excerpted from Lady Pink’s “Grafitti is Young, Cool, Creative”

This essay, by Lady Pink, was published in the New York Times Room for Debate column in July 2014. We used this for CATW #3.
CATW 3: Lady Pink’s “Graffiti is Young, Cool, Creative: Let It Happen”
Lady Pink’s website:

Here is an excerpt from her bio.  Visit the page if you are interested in her work!

Lady Pink was born in Ecuador, but raised in NYC. In 1979 she started writing graffiti and soon was well known as the only female capable of competing with the boys in the graffiti subculture. Pink painted subway trains from the years 1979-1985. In 1982 she had a starring role the motion picture “Wild Style”. That role and her other significant contributions to graffiti have made her a cult figure in the hip-hop subculture.

“While still in high school she was already exhibiting paintings in art galleries, and at the age of 21 had her first solo show at the Moore College of Art. As a leading participant in the rise of graffiti-based art, Lady Pink’s canvases have entered important art collections such as those of the Whitney Museum, the MET in New York City, the Brooklyn Museum and the Groningen Museum of Holland. She has established herself in the fine arts world, and her paintings are highly prized by collectors.

“Today, Lady Pink continues to  create new paintings on canvas that express her unique personal vision. She also shares her 30 years of experience with teens by holding mural workshops and actively lecturing to college students throughout the Northeast.