Greetings, everyone! I’m Professor Fox, and I will be helping you in the online lab every Wednesday from 4-6pm during tutoring this semester. Please be sure you’ve signed up for an online tutoring session before you want to meet with me. You can sign up for two sessions at a time, and you should always email me in advance if you need to cancel.
After signing up for a session, these are the steps you should follow:
- Join this site. Click Project Profile at the top (or click here) and then click “request membership” under the picture for this course on the left side of the page.
- Email me at if you have a specific assignment you’d like for me to see. This can be a scanned or typed essay or even a worksheet. (I will not edit your essay for you, but I will be happy to discuss grammar or style issues with you and answer your questions about those points.)
Please title your email like this: [Your Name] Tutoring [time of your appointment]
(Fill in the stuff in [ ] with the correct information. You can leave the brackets off.) - If you don’t have an assignment to show me, instead be prepared with a specific question or questions about grammar or essay writing, etc.
- Next, go to the discussion board, here:
- You can respond to the general questions thread (titled “State Your Language Need Here”) or I will create a thread in response to your email, and there we will discuss your topic live. I will be online and responding to you in real time! It will be like we are having a conversation and I will be happy to talk you through any issues and possibly even link you to some resources online. You will need to refresh the discussion page to see my responses to your question(s).
- Please also read Professor Alatriste’s post below with information for you. I look forward to working with you!
Note that I will also put up a weekly grammar or writing point for you to learn about on the discussion board. Feel free to visit any time to read about this week’s point and to ask any questions about that topic. Check back every week for a new discussion!