Fellowship Requirements


Fellows will curate an OER over the semester to replace a textbook as the only required material in a course they will teach the following term (approval from department chair required).


✪ Active participation in 5 faculty development seminars (fall 202o)

✪ Submit completed OER housed on an OpenLab site (due January 5, 2021)

✪ Teach with the OER in at least 1 section of the course (spring 2020)

✪ Submit your course outline and / or syllabus to Academic Works, CUNY’s institutional repository


Upon completion of all of the above requirements, OER Fellows will receive a stipend of no less than $1,300.

Completed OERs will be evaluated by 8 criteria. See full version

  • content
  • comprehensiveness
  • attribution
  • organization
  • accessibility
  • navigation
  • modularity
  • cultural relevance