Week 1 Reading Assignments

From the article, “Husky Evolution” by Kenneth Best, it describes about a University Mascot and the sports uniform from the University of Connecticut (UCONN). There was a new logo for UCONN’s Husky dog(Mascot) which was developed with Nike as a part of a review. When people at UCONN were discussing about the sports uniform logo, they were talking about a athleticism, aggressiveness in competition, and determination. UCONN wanted to change the Husky dog logo. They had 5 different Husky dog logos.

The Evolution of the UCONN Husky Logo

husky dog logo

The link for this article is down below:


From the article, “American Airlines Rebrands Itself, And America Along With It” by Mark Wilson, I have learned that American Airlines company logo has changed for the first time in over 40 years. The logo of yore was an old logo for American Airlines. A flight symbol with a red and blue eagle crossed with a wing is the new logo for American Airlines. There were also changes, which were the interiors of American Airlines. They also put a defining trait of America, which was the American flag on the logo. The new logo is both a bird and a wing itself.

futurebrand: american airlines rebrand


American Airlines logo

futurebrand: american airlines rebrand

The link for the article is down below:


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Revisions of the Final Draft of Visual Quote Project

These are my revisions for my visual Quote Project. My quote is basically about happiness. The first drafts that I did was sketches which later made me feel like I wanted to change it. For these revisions I have used Adobe Illustrator.

Quote Concept 1(Final)This is my first concept. I made a happy face and typeset the quote to the right using Myriad Pro. I used arcs to make the eyes and smiley face. I used Futura for the typeset in this concept because I felt like that could be a better typeface for this concept than using Arial Regular. I chose green because I consider green as a   happy color and it is my favorite color.  Quote Concept 1(Final)

Quote Concept 2

This is my second concept. My goal for this concept was to use rectangles to make a happy face.I used happy colors for the boxes. I used Myriad Pro because if I had used any other typeset for this concept, clients wouldn’t have like that idea. I typeset some words in a larger point size because I tried to fit the words inside the box and I didn’t want the words to outside of the box.

Quote Concept 2

Quote Concept 3

This is my third concept. The only difference between this concept and my previous one is that there are no rectangles. I also changed the color of the text. I used different typefaces for some words because I wanted to use different typefaces just to make this concept more creative. There are words that are suppose to be together such as “Something” but instead I made it into “Some Thing” so I can make the words into an smiley face. I didn’t used any tracking                                                                                  or kerning to fit into a smile.

Quote Concept 3

Quote Concept 4

This is my final concept. I searched up an image on google about happiness but I wanted it to do something different than the first three concepts by using an image that doesn’t show a face or a smile. I used Myriad Pro for the typeset in the concept because it is the only good typeset that I can use for this concept. I chose red because seeing the red, purple, or a little yellow sky made me feel like red can be a good color for the text. I put the text under the sky and above and side of the people(black color) so people can read it.

Quote Concept 4

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