Pt. C.A, 33 yr. old Caucasian male BP125/82 P77 Medical History, no systemic conditions and no medications. EO/IO within normal limits. Type I/II localized. 4mm -6mm pocket depths. Patient was recommended to an oral pathology consultation. Radiograph reveals radiopacity surrounding radiolucency off the mesial root of #30. Possible etiology recorded, trauma.
Pt.L.L 34yr.old Hispanic female smoker. Medical History no significant findings BP97/60 P68 Patient smokes a half a pack a day for 12 yrs. EO/IO WNL. Type I, 3-4mm pocket depth. Tooth mobility of 9 and 10. Patient reported having a gingival graft in the area of tooth #12. Radiograph reveals bone resorption of roots. Patient referred to orthodontist and periodontist.