
New York City Ethics Workshop is a workshop for ethicists and philosophers working or living in the NYC metro-area. It is organized by Rob MacDougall (Associate Professor of Philosophy, NYCCT).

We meet roughly 2-3 times a semester in New York City. Check out our Meeting Schedule for past and upcoming presentations. Each meeting is focused on a single paper by one of the members of the group. The paper is sent out a week in advance of the meeting and is read in advance by everyone attending. Presenters should be regular attenders, attending all (or nearly all) of the meetings (in cases where participants must miss a meeting, they can give comments in some other way, such as email). Although only regular attenders may present, anyone may attend!

The workshop began as the NYC Early Career Ethics Workshop in 2013 at Fordham University under Barry Maguire (NYU) and Gerard Vong (Fordham). Since that time it migrated to NYU and then NYC College of Technology, and dropped the “Early Career” appellation. You can see more about its earlier history here.