- Miro board link (will be re-organized upon final system selection): https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVLU1AnRE=/?share_link_id=839274331733 (Password: AntoniGaudi)
- In-class Revit demonstration recordings for a unitized curtain wall system: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/cqpg2cozh09e0mnzlzt9x/AHYdthG94N3GU60YowIma7I?rlkey=8c98o80ov5uazaqemf7bqibdt&dl=0
- Please use the link below to enter your name for your final system selection (1x glazing and 1x rainscreen): https://1drv.ms/x/c/c08d8e5b4ba0f9ae/EUERnvN-lkxAgmw2cQ0GYRUBqDgOPfWyI5gIndEoCzjeuQ
- Research should include the following:
- Details
- Panel Sizes (Max & Min Limits)
- Color/Material/Texture
- Please review and understand the final system you choose; these details are crucial to the modeling you will be doing.
- Research should include the following:
WARNING: Everyone must post and show progress on Miro, only about a half of you have been posting. As a reminder, this assignment is worth a third of your final grade and these Miro pin-ups count towards that grade. There has been a lack of progress and momentum the last week which will lead to you falling behind.
Complete the following in each of the two models (2 SEPERATE SHEETS):
- Rain Screen
- Finalize panelization to be within the max/min requirements based on your research. Pay attention to panel sizes around the fixed windows. If you cannot find panel sizes information for your product, please let me know and I will give you default values to use.
- Set up views on your sheets including:
- 4 views of overall model
- Start this by working at 1/4″ scale
- Dimension panel sizes and align your views
- 3d axon diagram
- 4 views of overall model
- This will be further developed next week
- Glazing [FOCUS ON THIS]
- We have spent the last week diving deeper into various glazing systems.
- Finalize panelization and pay attention to the relationship of your system to the edge of slab.
- Model a typical parametric unit following the class demonstration. These models are checked and count towards the assignment grade. No matter which system you chose, they follow a similar ideology. Let me know if you are confused with how to approach these models.
- Layout this new family according your panelization.
- Set up views on your sheets including:
- 4 views of overall model
- Start this by working at 1/4″ scale
- Dimension panel sizes and align your views
- 3d axon diagram
- 4 views of typical unit focusing in a structural bay as we saw in the example drawing set in class
- Should be at a larger scale than the overall model
- 4 views each of details (largest scale):
- Typical vertical and horizontal joint at slabs
- Outside corner
- Inside corner
- 4 views of overall model