Day 06 – Tuesday September 17th

More videos of various review topics are posted here, recorded after class due to running out of time from the final review:

Miro Link (Same as before): (Password: AntoniGaudi)

Please do not replace any previously uploaded sheets and absolutely do not delete anyone’s sheets! Post your revised research and drawing sheets below the purple banner.

Assignment Deadline for thursday, september 19th –

  • Brightspace 2nd Final Posting
    • Please use the new assignment upload (1st one will be hidden in the morning)
    • Upload the following by Midnight, Wednesday
      • A Single PDF of your research – Sheet SH-05, SH-05.1, etc.
      • A Single PDF of your Steel Design Sheets – SH-06, SH-07, SH-08, etc.
      • Your Revit Project File
    • Upload to MIRO by Wednesday, Midnight
      • SH-05 – your research sheets
      • SH-06, SH-07, SH-08 – all your steel stair sheets with updates
    • We will do peer grading in class then move on to the next assignment
    • Your final grade on this assignment is based on the following:
      • Your oral presentation in-class
      • Your feedback to your classmates
      • Your initial final Brightspace upload & MIRO post 
      • Your second final Brightspace Upload & MIRO post 

Day 05 – Thursday September 12th

Videos of various review topics are posted here, recorded after class due to wifi issues:

Miro Link (Same as before): (Password: AntoniGaudi)

Assignment Deadline for tuesday, september 17th –

  • Post to Brightspace by Midnight Monday, September 16th
    • Include a single PDF of your sheets and your Revit Project File (your families should already be saved within the revit file)
  • Post all sheets to MIRO, not just new ones, by Midnight Monday, September 16th
    • SH-05, SH-06, SH-07, etc.
  • I will check what has been posted by midnight to Miro, late uploads will receive late penalties.
  • SH-05 – Final Research Sheets
    • You may have modified your design based on new research, post the final research sheets as well. 
    • If more sheets are needed, use SH-05.1, SH-05.2, SH05.3, etc.
  • SH-06 – First Basic Sheet with 4 views
    • If it helps to explain your design, I suggest everyone modify this sheet to include additional views that show a second elevation that shows the railing assembly and a view from behind so the stringer support is visible. (views from the other sides basically)
  • SH-07, SH-08, etc.. Detail Studies at Larger scales (1 1/2″, 3″, 6″, etc.)
    • You may end up with separate or combined sheets for the different studies depending upon the layout of your details.  Remember to address the following:
      • Buildings Structure to Stringer connection
      • Stringer to Tread connection
      • Railing Assembly to stair connection (to tread, to stringer or to the building)
    • Consider making use of Multiple Isometric views – stacked to show assembly or possibly show the same axonometric several times in different degrees of assembly.  For example – just the stringer, then one with the steps but no railings, then one complete with railings.
  • Materials
    • Add materials designations using region or materials hatches.  Also name the material in your notes.
  • Adding Notes and Dimensions
    • Notes – these should describe the assembly and identify materials.  You can use one to describe more than one item.  For example – 2 X 2 STEEL NEWEL POST CONNECTED TO 1/4″ X 2″ X 8″ STEEL C-CHANNEL STRINGER
    • Dimensions – to build your stairs you must provide dimensions.  This can be done with dimensions on the detail or in a note.
  • Choosing your graphics
    • Remember the goal is clarity – so if your layout or details are clear to you – then go with your intuition.

    • Remember that each detail study is another group of 4 views (Plan, Elevation, Section and Isometric)
    • If the plans /elevations/sections are all at 1 1/2″ scale – you may find a smaller scale isometric at 1″ works better than matching the 1 1/2″ scale.

Day 04 – Tuesday September 10th

Videos from class are posted here (See ToC.txt file for a description of what we covered in each video, we reviewed a lot)

Miro Link (Same as before) (Password: AntoniGaudi)

Due for Day 05 – Prefinal Pinup

Consider this next pinup your prefinal – the last chance for me to critique your work.


  • Make certain you demonstrate all the necessary skills of modeling, materials, notes and dimensions, regions and detail items, etc. – so we can review this in class
  • Remember to make new views in groups of 4 – (Plan/Section/Elevation/Isometric)
    • Do not spread these out on a page but look to position related details close together. 
    • Depending on the scale of your details you should be able to fit 2 to 4 sets of details on a single sheet.

Your details should explain the following. Create as many details/sheets as necessary to explain your design to a client and an installer/contractor:

    • Where is your stringer positioned – (one in the center, one against the wall with cantilevered steps, two stringers)
    • What is the size and material of your stringer
    • How does it connect to the building (at top and bottom or to the wall)
  • TREADS –
    • What material is your tread?
    • How does your tread connect to the stringer?
    • Describe your railing post if you have one?
    • How does it connect (to the tread, to the stringer, to the floor or some other manner)
    • How does the post connect to the handrail?
    • How is your balustrade made?  Is it wires, metal posts or glass panels?
    • What material is your handrail?
    • How does it connect to the railing post?
    • Using exploded isometrics can you explain more clearly the assembly of your stair?

Day 03 – Thursday September 5th

Videos from class are posted here:

(Please submit your media release form if you have not done so yet!)

Miro Link (Same as before) (Password: AntoniGaudi)

Feedback Review: I have added feedback to all of your sheets (orange notes) from the Scavenger Hunt in addition to the feedback we reviewed together in class. Please review all of your comments from your classmates and myself and let me know if you have any questions. You may also look at other people’s feedback to see how you will be evaluated.

Due for Tuesday – Posted in MIRO (No Brightspace submission):

  • Pinup of updated Steel Stair Sheets SH-06 (4 overall views), SH-07 (4 detail views) and any new research – SH-05.1, SH-05.2, etc.
    • These are the minimum requirements. If more sheets, views, details are needed to explain your stair design then please add them.
    • The staircase should now be your own design based off the research you did. It does not have to follow your research exactly; you may modify the design as you see fit. The most important thing is that you are modeling all the components and understanding how things are supported/connected/built.
    • Always post any new research – do not re-post existing research.
  • Steel stair sheets (explained) –
      • SH-06 – 4 overall views of your steel stair design with your own families created. Revit’s default staircase that we use as a guide should be hidden.
      • SH-07 – detail studies of stair conditions
        • Always develop each detail in groups of 4
        • Everyone will have unique details and you must choose the best views for your respective design.
        • 4 Conditions to explain:
          • Building Structure to Stringer connection at top & bottom or side wall.
          • Stringer to Tread Connection
          • Tread to Railing Connection 
          • Other Detail (Examples below)
            • How does railing new post connect to
              • The stringer?
              • The tread?
              • The floor?
            • How does railing itself connect to vertical posts?
            • How does railing connect to (side panels or wire ropes?)
  • Figure out a good scale for your details and be consistent! – Start at 3″ = 1′-0″ and switch to 1-1/2″ = 1′-0″ if needed. If more than one detail can be combined into a single view, it may make sense to go even larger.
        • Add annotation.
          • text should be 1/8″ high (not 1/4″)
          • arrowhead should be solid.
          • leaders are first horizontal then go at an angle
        • Add dimensions.
        • Add materials to the family or use detail regions.
  • Push yourself to model as much as you can –
    • If you cannot model something – draw a sketch for class

Day 02 – Tuesday September 3rd

Videos from class are posted here:

Miro Link (Same as before): (Password: AntoniGaudi)

File Naming Convention: Lastname.Firstname-Novillo-BT3-FA24.PM-Assignment-Number

Due for Thursday:

Assignment 1.1 – Scavenger Hunt – 4 Sheets

  •       Post the following updated sheets in MIRO
  •             SH-01 – Plans
  •             SH-02 – Elevations
  •             SH-03 – Sections
  •             SH-04 – Stair 4 Views (Plan, Section, Elevation, Isometric)
  •                   These will be graded in class.
  • Post the following to Brightspace
  •       A single PDF containing sheets SH-01 to SH-05
  •       Your Revit File

Dimensions for Level 2 Slab

Assignment 1.2 – Scavenger Steel Stair

  • Post the following in MIRO
    • SH-05 – Research  – Use the same posting from the first class or add more research based on class comments.  If you need more than one sheet number them SH-01.1, SH-05.2, etc.
    • SH-06 – New Steel Stair – 4 Views (Plan, Section, Elevation, Isometric) – this is similar to the sheet from the first assignment, but it is based on your new file.  If you need more than one sheet to add additional details continue numbering SH-07, SH-08, etc.

Day 01 – Thursday August 29th

Thank you to Professor Paul King for hosting the first class in-person. 

Summary of what is Due for Next Class:

  • Five (5) Sheets – 4 Revit + 1 Research
    • SH-01 Plan Views (1/4′ Scale)
    • SH-02 Exterior Elevation Views (same scale as plans)
    • SH-03 Section Views (same scale as plans)
    • SH-04 Stair Assembly (1/2″ scale) the 4 Views – Plan – Section – Elevation – Isometric w/Orient to View
    • SH-05 Steel Stair Research from Pinterest
  • Plot to PDF and Post to MIRO

Welcome to Fall 2024 -BTech 3

This website will be used for most communication!

Send me your selfie and media release form before class begins – (see below)

Quick Checklist: To do items before the first day of class: (see below for details)

  • [2] Selfie Photo (email this to me before class)
    • Select this link to add your selfie and media release form files to dropbox 
    • Alternatively, you may email me a selfie (closeup portrait) before the first class and have it ready for class.  Add your name to the file (ie.  andrew.novillo.selfie.jpg) You will be placing this on your titleblock. (Your face must be clearly visible)
  • [5b] If you have an Apple Computer you will need to access Revit using Apporto
  • [7] Use of BrightSpace for this class
    • We use Brightspace to collect assignments and issue grades
    • Brightspace has replaced Blackboard
  • [8] Maintain a course sketchbook
    • Keep a course sketchbook to maintain class notes and develop details