Author Archives: Rob Ostrom

In your journal, answer the following questions for WEDNESDAY


  1. What are seven strategies we can use to define a word, idea or concept?
  1. What is a definition essay?
  1. What purpose can definition essays serve?
  1. How might you use narration and description in a definition essay?


In order to answer these questions, you’ll have to consult the following two chapters on defining words and ideas and on writing definition essays. However, you do not have to print these chapters (but PLEASE PRINT THE ESSAY “The Hoax”).




Do not forget your typed and PRINTED essays tomorrow! If you look at the course material, you’ll see that the essay draft is worth 10% of your grade. If you bring the completed essay, you’ll get an A for this assignment. However, if you don’t have it, you’ll receive an F.

Also, get your dictionaries at the ready for Wednesday!