Weekly Schedule
Tuesdays: Class meets synchronously 2:30-3:45.
Office Hours: Time TBD (attendance optional)
Monday: Class Open Lab posts due by 12 pm (noon) (so I can respond before we move on)
Week 1 Welcome to City Tech and English 2003
Classes begin 8/25
- Register for OpenLab and request membership to our course site
- Complete technology/access survey
- Review Syllabus and explore Poetry Foundation website
Week 2 Tues. 8/31
Introduction to Course and a review of the Poetry Foundation Website.
Watch: LAF 2021 Welcome video; Diana Diaz, “Overnight Pandemic” (2020) in City Tech Writer
Poems About Loneliness and Solitude
Week 3 (No Class on Tues. 9/7) Assignment Due: Monday, September 13
Read Edward Hirsch’s “How to Read a Poem” (in 16 brief sections)
Post a response that briefly summarizes one section. DO NOT repeat a section another student has posted on.
Watch Robert Pinsky’s “The Art of Poetry”
Post a Response to ONE of the poem videos from Pinsky’s Favorite Poem Project. See if you can connect the poem with what you learned from Edmund Hirsch and/or Robert Pinsky.
Week 4 9/1 4 (No Classes 9/15/16)
Read Rebecca Hazelton’s “Learning About Figurative Language”
Post your “Metaphor Mad-Lib” poem.
Review: Shakespeare 101
Week 5 9/21
“An Introduction to British Romanticism”
Week 6 9/28
Week 7 10/5
Begin Essay #1 Draft
“Introduction to the Harlem Renaissance”
Week 8 10/12
“An Introduction to the Black Arts Movement”
Week 9 10/19
José Olivarez, “Maybe I Could Save Myself by Writing” and “Mexican American Disambiguation” (2018)
Week 10 10/26
Essay#2 Draft Due
Week 11 11/2
Week 12 11/9
Week 13 11/16
“Featured Poet”
Week 14 11/23
“Featured Poet”
Week 15 11/30
Essay #3 Draft Due
“Featured Poet”
“Featured Poet”
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