Please keep working on your final assignment. I am extending the deadline for this essay till Monday, Dec. 20. If you get your essay loaded on to googledocs before this, I’m happy to review it for you. Email me at regarding any questions.
As a reminder, for your final essay assignment, I ask that you choose a poet from the Poetry Foundation website and discuss 2-3 of his or her poems in cultural and/or biographical context. Alternately, choose 2-3 from on the the site’s interesting collections.
5. HOMEWORK: Post a 1-2 paragraph response to a poem by a Modern Poet or a Modern Magazine that interests you. Feel free to choose a poet from the Harlem Renaissance or from elsewhere on the Poetry Foundation Site. This will be due in two weeks (Tues. 11/23). Eventually this will become Assignment #2.
A discussion on Zoom of the SoHo Memory Project Documentary with City Tech Professor Josh Kapusinski (COMD, Moving Pixels Club), Jonathan Baez (City Tech alum and cinematographer), and Or Szyflingier (alum and director).
Consider reviewing the accompanying article and video:
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Formal Assignment #1: Personal Poetry Collection (with reflections)
Assemble your selected poems and edited posts into a single file.
Title: “YOURLASTNAMEPoetryCollection”
Upload a draft of this assignment to our GoogleDrive by Tues., Nov. 9
Edward Hirsch’s “How to Read a Poem” (Comment on One Section)
Your response to a selection from Robert Pinsky’s “Favorite Poem Project”
Mad-Lib Metaphor Poem
Response to a Shakespearian Sonnet (include the poem)
Response to a “Romantic” Poem (include the poem)
Response to a poem or selection from Walt Whitman
Response to a poem by Emily Dickinson (include poem)
Response to a poem by Edgar Allan Poe
Substitute one of the above with a response to a poem by Phyliss Wheatley, Rumi, and/or Arooj Aftab
Last week ,we read the biography of world-reknown, Brooklyn poet Walt Whitman and reviewed some of his work. Whitman’s influence on modern poets is omnipresent. Here, for example, is a new poem by Billie Collins published this month in The Atlantic Magazine: “Ode to Joy”
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