My name is Mehreen Khanom, I go by she/her/hers. I am South Asian. I was born in Bangladesh and raised in the Bronx. I am a sophomore, and my major is business and technology of fashion. The reason why I am in college is because of my parents and to pursue a good career in the future that will keep me stable in life. My hobby is painting. I like to paint in my free time and whenever I am bored to kill time or to get my mind off life. This semester I am trying to focus on college and don’t want to get distracted. I am scared about this semester because I am not sure how this semester will end but I hope it ends well.

I am a mother of six cats. Growing up I have always been a cat person, but my parents never allowed cats in the house until my sophomore year of high school. Last year I brought a stray cat home and four months later she gave birth to three beautiful babies. They are currently five months old. Their names are Boogie, Sushi, and Mowgli. Taking care of them and watching them come into this world was an eye-opener. I can’t go a week without seeing them, that’s how attached I am. I feel like without them the house will feel empty. Sometimes when I am upset, spending time and being around them makes me feel a lot better. They make my life ten times better.