Hi, everyone.

My name is Dinora. I’m originally from Uzbekistan, located in Central Asia that is full of ancient buildings and beautiful people. I came to the United States in 2013 and living in Brooklyn, New York ever since. I use she/her/hers pronouns. When I was graduating high school, I decided to attend college and get my Bachelors degree and the reason was to get a better job and to improve myself so that I can do more and go further with my life that I could without a degree from college. I am a senior student at this school and majoring in Bioinformatics. The reason I am taking this class is that I had to take one class from the category “Creative Expression”, which was required and I thought this class is going to be interesting. My hobbies are to read and travel. Although, I don’t get to travel much, I adore every moment I get into.

Sunset At Coney Island - Outdoor Photographer

This is the picture of a sunset on a Coney Island Beach. The reason that I love to watch sunset because it  gives me a greater appreciation for the earth. Whenever I am stressed from school or having a bad day and watching the sunset on the beach gives me a better mood, relive my stresses and I somehow lose track of time and feel more satisfied and grateful for what’s going on in front of me. Another reason why sunset is important to me is that sunsets mark the end of a day, as well as represent calm and a promise for a new beginning. Sunsets serve as a powerful reminder to take time to relax and reset our hearts at the end of each day.