
Hello my name is Alicia McLaughlin I’m in my a second year of college. I go by she, her regarding pronouns. I’m a New York native but I have traveled to different states.  One thing I really enjoy doing is writing poetry,  when I was in high school I would write, and share my poems with my friends,  mainly to see what they decipher from it,  and to gain a new perspective. I would probably consider that as one of my hobbies, as for my other hobbies I like to read, play video games, and listen to music on my free time.  One thing is I’m excited for this college experience I would like to take some fun and interesting classes.

This is a picture of a character called Android 18 from an anime called Dragon Ball Z. The reason I chose this picture is because Android 18 was my inspiration as a kid. I loved how she was powerful, yet laid back and distant. She moves to the beat of her own drum and is determined to get whatever job she has done. She was the first female character I’ve seen fight and adapt to the opponents she faced. I remember watching her fight against my other favorite character and how she defeated him. After witnessing that I was in pure shock and I was drawn to her character. Ever since then she always had a place in my heart.


  1. Premnauth Ramchan

    Yesssiiirrr I love writing poetry as well! And I noticed the Dragon Ball Z character first lol, currently I’m still watching it all the way through, from the very beginning of dragon ball to the last part of the series. But anyways games and music is my to-go as well!

    • Alicia M.

      That’s awesome i love the original too its a whole different vibe from Z. Will always be one of my all time favs

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